Ode to The Writer’s Retreat

By Ronda Simmons There once was a writer with Block Who needed to stop and take stock. Her prose was a mess, Her nerves were in stress, She wanted to hide in a rock. She reread her draft with disgust. Her literary dreams dashed to dust.

The End

By Ronda Simmons On a personal note: The time has come for me to step down from blogging for the Writing Bug. It’s been an incredible ride, and I am grateful to have had this experience. JC Lynne is a talented, funny, and kind editor. (Don’t tell her I said that.) I have learned volumesContinue reading “The End”

Summertime Writing Productivity

By Ronda Simmons It’s been decades since I was a student, yet when the weather warms up, and the grass is green, I have difficulty focusing. I’m always looking for a hammock somewhere to enjoy a good read. My writing goals tend to suffer, and I would be willing to bet I’m not alone.

NCW Announces Spring Writer’s Retreat

By Ronda Simmons NCW member and famous author Jim Davidson has graciously agreed to lead a writing retreat this spring in Nepal in conjunction with NCW’s annual conference. Jim’s third book, Jim Davidson’s Adventure Cookbook, will be released on April 20, 2021.

Being in A Crowded Bar May Not Be The Best Plan

By Ronda Simmons St. Patrick’s Day Reading Suggestions Because Being in a Crowded Bar Might Not be a Good Idea During a Pandemic The pandemic is forcing another stay-at-home celebration, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in style. Besides cooking our favorite Irish foods, drinking Irish beer, and watching Irish programming,Continue reading “Being in A Crowded Bar May Not Be The Best Plan”

The Weird And Wonderful Habits We Love

By Ronda Simmons So, I’m in my office staring at a blank screen. I can’t figure out what’s wrong. My dog is sleeping at my feet, a hot cup of tea sits next to my keyboard, and the house is quiet. Why can’t I write? I’m not hungry, or itchy, or tired. I am notContinue reading “The Weird And Wonderful Habits We Love”

The Twelve Days of Rewrites

By Ronda Simmons In our finest of holiday traditions, we bring to you our annual Yuletide carol. With hope for the new year, the inspiration for your writing, and a dash of motivation, we wish you health, wealth, and all of the words. Thanks and Happy Holidays from the NCW Leadership team and The WritingContinue reading “The Twelve Days of Rewrites”